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345 lines
* Moonchild Prod. proudly presents : *
1. Copyrights
2. Introduction
3. Requierements
4. Installation
5. Startup
6. Greets
7. The author
8. The futur
9. History
1. Copyrights :
The program and its source in this archive are both Copyright (c) 1996
OLIVERES 'Moonchild' Jean-Marc.
You can freely modify the program's source. The only thing I asked you is to
send me a version with your modifications and don't forget to credit me.
Authorization is granted to distribute copies of this manual if the
copyright notice and this authorization notice are in all the copies.
No warranty are done for a 100% perfect program describe in this file. You
use your equipment at your own risks. The author can't be made responsible
for any damage caused by the use of this program.
You can distribute this archive freely but it is always Copyright OLIVERES
Jean-Marc. You can freely copy it as long as you don't ask more than the cost
of a single copy.
Authorization is granted to include this archive in the DP collections.
If you want to distribute this archive, you must use archives from the
original distribution.
2. Introduction :
Welcome to the fabulous world of startup-sequence selectors.
With this little program, you'll have the possibility to execute differents
startup files, according to your wishes.
You just have to write as many startup files as you want to begin your Amiga
session in the way you like because you made it.
The program will show you the list of all your files and you'll just have to
click on the name you have choosen to execute this startup-sequence file.
You can also deactivate the WBStartup directory and the User-Startup file to
gain some space memory.
You'll have the possibility to open a Shell.
Starting from version 1.1 :
If you have WBStartup+ installed then a button will appear at the bottom of
the window and you'll have the possibility to call its Preferences program.
Now you can save your last choosen file and your differents choices.
I hope it will be as usefull as it is for me and some of my friends.
This program has been written in the E language, and it's my first try of
programming on AMIGA. I hope you'll excuse some mistakes I could make in the
source structure.
The source is in the source directory.
StartupSelector is Giftware. Send me what you want if you think this
program is usefull for you (a postcard of your country, a disk full of mangas,
a chocolate box, an PPC Amiga ...). There's no reason to make it Shareware.
I spent a lot of time on it but no money was used.
The goal is to know if people use this proggy because as I don't have an
E-mail it is very hard for me to know this.
Thanks for all those who will send me something.
3. Requierements :
To run this program you need :
- An AMIGA :-)
- The Reqtools.library Copyright © Nico François (optional)
- The LoadWB command in the C: directory
- The WBStartup+ program Copyright © 1996 John Hughes (optional)
The program was tested and written with an Amiga 1200 with an accelerator card
Microbotics 68030/50Mhz an a 520 Mo HD and 6 MO of RAM.
You need an Amiga with the release 2.0+ of the Workbench.
4. Installation :
Simply use the Installer script if there's one. If not, be patient until it
is released.
To install it, you just have to copy it where you want on your HD. The more
simple is to copy it in the C: directory.
Next, make a dir called 'Start' in S: because you'll put your scripts in it.
You may change this if you want (see the 'Startup' section).
Then edit a small Startup-Sequence with the 'Setpatch' command and the path
to where you've put 'StartupSelector' without the 'Run' command. This file
become the one executed when you switch on your Amiga.
Your original Startup-Sequence file MUST be copied in the directory where
you'll put all your scripts (default is 'S:Start/'). You must delete or put
into comment (';') the line with the 'Setpatch' command.
NOTE : make a secure copy of your original Startup-Sequence file and keep it
somewhere (ie Startup-Sequence.org).
Simple isn't it ? :-) no ?... it is !!!
5. Startup :
My Startup-Sequence file looks like this:
Assign c: hd0:Cmds ADD
C:Setpatch QUIET /* IMPORTANT */
autoxa > nil:
startupselector /* IMPORTANT */
Now you have to know that StartupSelector can have an optionnal argument.
This one is the path to the directory where you put your scripts.
But if you run it without argument, it will automatically search your files in
the 'S:Start' directory. You MUST create it if it please you.
i.e: StartupSelector HD4:startup --> It'll search files in this directory.
StartupSelector --> It'll search files in the 'S:Start' directory.
More, you can deactivate the WBStartup directory and the User-Startup file.
The program just rename them as 'WBStartupOld' and as 'User-StartupOld'.
You don't have to worry about the directory because the first thing that
StartupSelector do at the begining is to rename the directory and the file in
the right way.
To call it, simply press the left mouse button at the start of your Amiga
session until the window appears. If not, It'll automatically execute the
Startup-Sequence file. So don't forget to put it in your directory :-).
At the window opening, it will let you the choice between all your files with
the Startup-Sequence file.
With the version 1.1 you can save your choices and the last startup file you
have selected. A file called 'startupselector_log' will be written in your
S: directory. You can delete it if you want but if StartupSelector can't find
it, it'll create it automatically for you and it'll start with this settings.
In other words, all settings will be off and the program will execute the file
called 'Startup-Sequence'.
The default settings are : N = User-Startup activated (else Y)
N = WBStartup activated (else Y)
N = 'Remember choice' not checked (else Y)
Startup-Sequence = file to execute
You can edit it by hand but don't remove the ASCII code 0 between each
setting or you'll have some problems.
If you have the WBStartup+ program installed a button will appear at the
bottom of the window. If you click it you will call the Preferences program of
WBStartup+. If it is not installed nothing will appear.
StartupSelector will search in the 'SYS:prefs' directory to find the program
called 'WBStartup+Prefs'.
More, the name of the last saved script will be written in the middle of the
free space at the right of the window to allow you to remember it if you
haven't use your Amiga for a long time or if someone else use it and save its
own settings.
In the menu, you'll have the possibility to open a SHELL or to quit the
The closing window button lets you start with the last saved script with or
without modifying the settings.
6. Greets :
First I would like to thank Wouter Van Oortmerssen for his wonderful E
I would like to thank Jason R. Hulance for his "Beginer.Guide" wich is of
great help for new developers.
Thanks to John Hughes for the WBStartup+ program. I used your program
because some people tell me to include it in my program. Sorry not to have
demand you for an authorization. I hope you don't mind :-).
Hello to Raphaël Guénot for his help in the writing and the optimization of
some procedures.
Hello to Philippe 'Elwood' Ferrucci for his help during the finalisation of
the 1.0 and 1.05 versions.
Thanks a lot to Eric Trinh for sending me a gift.
Last but not least, hellos goes to :
Alamelama Dominique (merci pour la réparation de mon Amiga)
Delantes 'HCL' Mathias (tes logiciels sont rigolos)
Daniel de JANAL LYON (l'idée de ce logiciel était bonne)
Saillour Pierre (range ton disque dur vieux !)
Mearini Renaud (tu vas faire un malheur avec "Ben" et "Speed")
Arnaud Yvan (vive le CD-ROM)
And of course, hello at the Amiga scene.
7. The author :
You can join me for comments or ideas at the following:
12, Rue Charles Porcher
69009 LYON
You con contact me at this E-Mail address :
elwood@neptune.fr with Subject: Moon
Excuse me for my bad english but I'm French.
8. The futur :
Here is some ideas I have:
- make a localisation (doing that).
- make an Installer script (doing that).
- Make the program to be a script executor if launched from the Workbench.
9. History :
Internals versions: 06.20.96 - 07.08.96
Version 0.1 : - just a simple window at the start of the Amiga session with
the list of the files to execute.
Version 1.0 : - the selected file is executed.
- programm run at each Amiga session.
- it can't be included in the Startup-Sequence.
Version 1.01 : - called by the left mouse button.
- can be put in the Startup-Sequence.
- but continue with it at the end of the script.
Version 1.02 : - close the Startup-Sequence (bug).
- execute only the choosen script.
Version 1.03 : - bug in the closing of the Startup-Sequence not fixed.
- possibility to deactivate the WBStartup directory.
- window centered on the opening screen.
Externals releases: 07.16.96
Version 1.04 : - added argument for the path of the scripts.
- program launched from a small Startup-Séquence.
- execute the Startup-Sequence file if no LMB press.
- added menu.
- GUI looks better.
- some optimisations.
- first release.
- added alphabetical order.
- possibility to deactivate the User-Startup file.
- can open a CLI.
- fixed a bug with the possibility to deactivate the WBStartup
directory because it was running just in one way.
Version 1.05 (09.07.96) : - replace buttons by a listview.
- no more file number limitation.
- better errors handler.
- removed an Enforcer hit in the menu.
Version 1.1 (09.24.96) : - last script choosen saved.
- choices are saved too.
- some optimisations.
- run with or whithout the Reqtools.library.
- show the last saved script.
- detects and have the possibility to run the
WBStartup+ preferences if installed.
- auto-creation of the xx_log file the first time
the program is ran.
- rewritten this doc to be clearer in the
installation and startup sections.
Version 1.2 (02.01.97) : - double-click to choose your script.
- removed a bug when a 'space' was in your script's
name, because it won't be launched.